Engineering Services.

Engineering Services

Custom Actuator Development

TdVib’s experienced Engineering Team can design a custom actuator to meet all of your requirements. The development process begins by generating an actuator specifications document that aligns with your requirements. In the course of the development efforts, TdVib will conduct a variety of analyses based on these specifications. These analyses could include; linear and nonlinear magnetic analysis, stress/acoustic/thermal analysis, and structural vibration analysis. TdVib employs a regimented development process that incorporates design reviews at key stages to ensure we are on target for meeting the specifications. The customer is always encouraged to participate in these milestone events.

Energy Harvester Design

TdVib can design energy harvesting devices to meet your power requirements eliminating batteries and wired components. TdVib’s Engineering Team has designed several prototype energy harvesting devices that exploit the Villari Effect exhibited by magnetostrictive materials. These devices couple to mechanical vibrations and convert a portion of this mechanical energy into electrical energy. TdVib’s efforts and experiences have focused on generating mW of power targeted for wireless sensor networks. TdVib can provide system-level energy harvesting solutions that include; the energy harvesting device, on-board energy storage, power management circuitry, sensor(s), and radio components.

Control and System Development

TdVib’s Engineering Team can provide system-level solutions for your most complex and challenging problems. TdVib’s engineers have experience in designing, manufacturing, and testing complete system-level solutions in the area of electromagnetics and magnetostrictives. Hardware, software, electrical, and controls development have been completed on past projects and these skill sets are ready and available to meet your needs. 

Have questions or want a quotation?

Contact TdVib for a quotation on the quantity and configuration needed. Or work with us to optimize performance and cost for your application


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